Open Web Mind

11 January 2024

Welcome to humanity’s mind

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What if we’ve been doing the web wrong?

What if, instead of mindlessly browsing, we could be thinking?

What if, more than a mere collection of pages, the web could be our collective mind?

Open Web Mind is a radical reinvention of the way we capture, explore and share our knowledge.

It’s an open protocol for shared human intelligence.

It’s the web, reinvented. No more search, click, read. Now you can think.

Open Web Mind captures our knowledge, not in words and sentences...

...nor in fields and values...

...but in ideas and connections.

It’s a billion minds, melded, each tapping into the collective wisdom of the whole.

Open Web Mind isn’t artificial intelligence, it’s human intelligence.

It’s an API for knowledge. You can use it to build human intelligence into technologies that I’d never think of.

In Open Web Mind, you think visually.

You flow from idea to idea as if you were inside your own mind...

...inside the minds of the people you admire...

...inside the minds of the communities you follow...

...inside a collective mind that’s more than you alone can imagine.

Here’s where you’ll find out everything Open Web Mind. Subscribe to the newsletter, podcast and YouTube channel to stay in touch as it evolves.

Welcome to humanity’s mind.

Kootenay Village Ventures Inc.